Registration process
Register by:
- providing the registration details below in an email to [email protected], and
- paying the conference deposit of $45 on the same day to:
- The Asia Pacific Discipleship Trust
- Bank Account number 02 0240 0030890 097
- with your first name and the letter of your surname as a reference, then ONNC18. eg OmarBONNC18
The Asia Pacific Discipleship Trust
Box: 99-835, Newmarket, Auckland 1149
Phone: 09 579-2616 / 027 276-6900
Please email these registration details as you pay your conference fee.
- First name and Surname
- Names of family members (if applicatble)
- Postal address
- Email address (including post code)
- Telephone or Mobile number
- Gender – Male or Female
- Age range 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-19, 20-30, 31-40, 41-60, 61+
- Church that you attend
- Name of Pastor who can provide a reference for you
- Previous cross-cultural mIssion experience, if any. (Please give brief details.)
- Special dietary requirements
The deposit is $45 payable by 31 October 2016. To help people plan financially for the conference we have been open for a registration deposit of $45 from the first of October 2016 to 31 January 2017, then payments of $25 per month, made on the 15th of each month, starting on 15 February 2017 with the final payment on 15 November 2017 ie. 10 payments of $25 each.
DONATIONS FOR SPONSORSHIPS for our overseas guests and local refugee-background believers are most welcome. You could do this by adding $10 or more per month to your 10 monthly payments in 2017. We are praying for 10 overseas guests to attend. Thank you for your generosity.
- Register and pay your deposit ($45 per adult) before 31 January 2017 and you will get our early bird price
- Early bird prices:
- Adult 13 – 66+ years $295
- Child 0 – 5 years free
- Child 6 – 12 years $165
- Late registration (from 1 April 2017) as follows:
- Adult 13 – 66+ years $325
- Child 0 – 5 years free
- Child 6 – 12 years $185